Shore to Shore: the notes (2023)
Gallery 1265 is thrilled to close off Black History Month with this solo exhibition by Christina Ceesay.
Shore to Shore: the notes is the first part of a larger series that explores the idea of community and connection. Christiana is reflecting on what it means to be an immigrant from a post-colonial country. How growing up in the west has shaped her view of the world and her connections. Shore to Shore explores how conflicting ideals around family, culture, and morals come together for her. She plays with both the wonderful aspects and the ruin caused by outside influences. How normalcy when questioned can become strange and foreign. Furthermore, what is discovered about identity when perspective changes.
Photo courtesy of the artist
Christiana Ceesay is a digital and image-based artist. She takes inspiration from anime, cartoons, and African wax printed fabrics. Her work is a blend of escapism, Afrofuturism, and her curiosity with social norms. In her culture there is a saying that translates to “if you don’t know where you are going, you should at least know where you are from.” This saying is a large motivation for her work. Christiana finds herself both asking and answering the questions “how did we get here?” and “where are we going?”
Opened from February 27th to March 6th, 2023.
Please contact Gallery 1265 for potential exhibition archival.